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What does it mean to work

Understanding work and what it really means needs a mind that is open and geared towards growth.

Work has always been viewed as a task that needs to be completed and a reward is to be given, whether it’s through a salary or an appreciation.

We all grew up knowing and seeing our parents go to work and come back home in the evening, same routine and they got to do the work all their life until retirement. We then incorporated the same mindset and view on work once we got work, Interesting is it?, To do the same old habits and thoughts in this day and age where times have changed and using old tricks to survive is like throwing someone who doesn’t know how to swim in the deep end and expecting them not to drown.

That aside,

Let’s get into the new work analogy, what it really means and entails. What we need to resonate with,

Work is a part of God’s design for humanity, meaning He expects us to work in order to sustain ourselves on earth. That’s is not to mean He will not provide for us, He just needs to bless us through what we do.

So then work is a way to glorify God and serve others. When humans are working we need to understand that we are doing it unto The Lord and not the people who have entrusted us with the job, and just as He says in His word that “He who sees the work we do will surely reward us".

Work, doesn’t just mean some task that needs reward, for example working in church, visiting the children’s homes, widows and the less fortune in the society, these don’t have a direct reward on earth but then in the spiritual realm it’s of abundance reward.

Work in it’s entirety was never to be easy, there are toils and difficulties of it. Most of us if not all have had those days we don’t want to do anything because work felt tiresome and at times mundane, but if we were to only work on the days we felt like it, then we should never expect to succeed.

You’re work is a representation of you. This statement sums up the whole blog, whether we agree to this fact or not, it true. You’re work might be in a room where you’re not and it will represent you, this then means you get to choose how it will represent you.

In any task we are entrusted to do whether it’s a job, church, home or anywhere else that needs us to deliver, we should do it unto the Lord and not to human beings, and with this our conscience will be clear that we gave it our all.